
Can You Cseethis

God I hate ADCS… BUT I am a maschocist…

Im sure everything has had that same thought process happen to them when dealing with 20 certificates and cant be fucked to filter them each one by one… especially when your last minute in an engagement and feel like a beggar scrapping for anything you can find… so how can we OPTIMIZE THIS… My tool is relatively simple

What it essentially does is that it takes your certipy output (either it be a text or json) and it filters looking specifically for the “[!] Vulneratbility” tag and spits it right out you just so you can get shit done faster without needing to waste your time. Now dear reader you might be asking “oh well why not use certipy’s pre-existing vulnerable” well simple.

  1. because I need an excuse to practice python
  2. fuck you for questioning me and
  3. I have had cases where some templates jus would not even get flagged as vulnerable and I would have to sift it manually ANYWAYS which is… ANNOYING to say the least and time wasting.

So with these clarified my intentions are clear, a custom tool that gives you ACCURATE filtering based on your results. I will reclarify though it will still rely on ceritpy to GATHER the data. but for now ill keep it simple as is

Thank you for reading <3
have a nice day fuckwit

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